Tuesday 31 December 2013


For some reason, and I don't know why, I decided to publish a proper review as my first post. Now, I've realised that it was a bit silly because I should have done a sort of introduction post just to you know, break the ice if you like. So, I've decided that this will be my introductory/welcome post and I'll just tell you a little bit about myself so I'm not a complete stranger.

Hello! My name is Roisin and I'm 15 years old. I live in Britain and want to be a musician when I've fished all my studies. I decided to start a blog because I thought it would be something quite fun to do and I've always liked the idea of my own little internet space where I can put my thoughts.

I've always been a bit of a bookworm a massive bookworm. I used to read all the time but I don't have much time any more, but I do like to pick up a book as often as I can. My favourite books have always been the Harry Potter books because they are just so fantastic and I feel like I can get away from all my troubles when I'm reading them.

Music has always been a part of my life too. Listening to it and playing it as well. I started to play the piano at age 9 after trying violin and guitar without much success. But once I had started piano, I loved it and I'm not too shabby now after 6 years of practise.

So that's me, in a nutshell. I could say more but I don't want to go on too long and make this post any more uninteresting! I hope you guys start to read my blog, I'll be getting more posts up soon but I've only just started blogging and hence the lack of posts.

Thank you for reading and welcome!

Monday 30 December 2013

DEMI: An Album Review

Okay, so I started off only knowing Heart Attack and to be honest, I thought it was a bit too poppy for my liking. However, I decided to check out some of the other tracks on YouTube after seeing very good reviews on iTunes and some friends raving about it to me.

I didn't really know what to expect from the album as I only knew one song and didn't feel too enthusiastic about it when I first listened to it. So when I went on to YouTube I was pleasantly surprised at the album, and the mix of different styles on it. I was expecting a 2009 Demi with a very Disney actress now singer feel to it, but Demi has definitely broken away from the Disney mould and this album shows how much she has changed and matured.

Normally, I don't listen to chart music or pop music because I feel like it is all the same; heavy bass, repeated lyrics over and over, and meaningless lyrics. Yet Demi has managed to create music with a pop feel without it falling into the category of chart drivel. In her tracks, she has got all the elements of great music, used lyrics that aren't to do with getting drunk or drugs and managed to use effects and heavy beats but kept them in proportion to the rest of the song so it doesn't overpower or sound like there's a glitch in the music.So overall, I feel that the pop tracks are very good and great to sing along to (or sing in the shower!)

In contrast to the upbeat songs, there are some lovely ballads which show off Demi's vocals. I particularly like these tracks as you can really feel Demi's emotions as you listen to them and these are the ones that you can really relate to. The ballads on the album are: In Case; Nightingale; Shouldn't Come Back and Warrior. These all have beautiful lyrics and meaning and have simple accompaniments, either guitar or piano, which really lets you listen and focus on her voice instead of the backing. 

My favourite track on this album would have to be Warrior because it is just so meaningful. I can relate to this song and it is always the song I listen to when I need a confidence boost. The song is quite bare in the way of effects, but they are definitely not needed. To me, Demi's voice is just absolutely flawless in this track. She has a wonderful balance between strong and gentle vocals, with each of the dynamics showing the different things she is feeling.

To conclude, I think that DEMI is a brilliant album. There is a different track for every mood you're feeling and has a general feel-good vibe. I absolutely recommend this album to anyone who's thinking of getting it, and even if you're not at least give it a try! I was sceptic about it at first but now I can say that I honestly love it and have no regrets in getting it whatsoever. 

5/5, Just brilliant.