Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 Is Here!!

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! I haven't been on in a few days as I've actually been busy for once. (Still not sure if I like socialising). But, I'm going to be very cliché here and say: new year, new me. Not in the way that people say it and don't actually do anything; no, I'm actually going to make a fresh start this year. The last four years have not been easy for me, especially 2013, however this year I'm going to try and make a massive change to my life: Recovery.

I'm not going to go into heaps of detail because it's not needed and I don't really want to share that information to practically anyone and everyone. The main thing is that over the past years, I have been in a very bad place and things have been tough; even little tasks like getting out of bed or making a cup of tea. I want to change this though and this is where recovery comes in. I want my life back and know it's not going to be easy but I know that's going to be worth it.

Anyway, I hope 2014 brings you all lots of happiness and memories and I'll be posting again very soon as I went shopping today!

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