Friday 10 October 2014

Update: Blog content!

This is just going to be a quick post to tell you what I've decided to add on to blog which will be a monthly thing. I'm going to start posting book reviews of books I've read and read new books to recommend to all you book worms out there, as I love reading so I thought it would be a good idea to share all the little literature treasures I've found and spread the book love!

I also had another idea: to make a youtube account. This would be for putting up singing and piano videos, but I'm not really sure whether I want to go ahead with this idea yet as I'm terrible just talking/performing to a camera. So that might be something that maybe comes up in the future.

That's all from me for now. Write you soon,
Roisin :) x

SWS and PTV World Tour!

Okay, so right now I am one happy girlie as my tickets for Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil have arrived, and it's not long until they'll be here in England and I'll be raving in the mosh pit with my best friend. Too f'ing excited. Also, PTV have a new album coming out sometime early next year which has reduced me to a hot mess, just painfully waiting for it to be released. So when it does finally arrive, I will be jamming out and pretending that I'm there at the concert. What a sad life I lead; the pleasures pains of being a fangirl.

So, is anyone else going to the SWS vs. PTV tour? Or just got any cool gigs coming up? I know that BMTH are doing some concerts soon, as well as ATL and YMAS, which I've missed out on getting tickets for. Absolutely gutted. *sobs uncontrollably*. If anyone's going, would you mind sneaking me in your bag,? No? Oh, okay... Let me know how it was though?;)

If you're reading this, I hope you have a good day and that I haven't bored you to death.
Roisin :) x

Wednesday 8 October 2014

"One Man, Two Guv'nors"

Good morning everyone! Unless you're in England with the miserable weather, like me, then you'll probably want to stay at home and snuggle up in your nice warm bed. Ha, wishful thinking!

Yesterday was a day full of nerves and tension for me. I had my last trial term exam for BTEC Drama and I was absolutely terrified.  I had to perform a monologue from either a play or film script that was at least 14 lines long, which is pretty lengthy when you're up there alone with the fear that your peers and tutor are seriously judging you.

Although my nerves were on edge, I think everything went okay,so hopefully when I get my grade back it won't be too bad! With my exam out of the way, I'm feeling a lot more refreshed and can actually look forward to the drama trip our group is going on. We're venturing out to the Curve Theatre in Leicester to see One Man, Two Guv'nors with a cheeky little stop at Nandos for lunch (best part about the trip!). The play is a comedy written by Little Britain star and co-writer, Matt Lucas,so I've got high hopes for it and I'm 99.9% certain that I will giggle the whole way through!

So looking forward to today and hope that everyone else has a good day too!

Roisin :) x

Monday 6 October 2014

Hiatus Finally Over!

Update of What I've Been Doing... More like not doing

Hi guys! I've finally managed to return to my internet hidey-hole, and it's been far too long!

I've had to take a long, unexpected hiatus that is definitely not because I forgot password. Yeah, definitely not... *looks around suspiciously while whistling*. Kidding aside, I have been ridiculously busy for the past few months, which is quite a change for my mundane, internet-obsessed existence. As well as forgetting my password, idiot, I have done my GCSE's, had a brilliant holiday, returned to results, and finally started college! So, I feel that this is a valid excuse for neglecting my internet hidey-hole... even though no one reads it anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Reluctantly, I have stumbled my way through the first month of college, albeit with caffeine as my only source of motivation and willpower. So far, it's been pretty cool and I'm so glad to be free from the atrocity that is school uniform.

Enough of college talk though, while on hiatus, I've been very lucky and travelled to Portugal and France during summer holidays. Portugal was absolutely beautiful, the food was like one big Nandos (heaven) and the weather beats miserable Britain any day! On the other hand, France felt like I hadn't even left the country! Although I got some much needed r & r (and excessive amounts on my 3ds), ten days out of the twelve that we were there were spent inside, while watching the downpour from the window like a sad scene in a soppy chick flick. 

Pretending to star in a blockbuster movie, bad weather and generally hibernating for literally the whole summer holiday aside, things have been going quite well for me and now that I'm finally back to my boring life, I can start blogging more regularly again.

P.S. If anyone, by chance, reads this post please comment on what I can do to improve my blog. I will be starting to post more but getting some ideas of what people might like would be great. Thanks :) x